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SNU Supports Military Students

Since 2015, SNU's award-winning VETS Center has proudly supported our nation's service members and veterans as they work towards their educational and career goals. On this page, you will find consolidated resources for military students at every stage of their education.






What VA Education Benefits Do You Qualify For?


Financial Aid for Military Students & Dependents

What Financial Benefits Do I Qualify For?

There are many options available to help finance your bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree. You may be eligible for the following VA Education benefits, grants, tuition assistance, loans, and more to pay for your education. Learn how you can use your military benefits, grants, tuition assistance, loans and more to pay for your education.

What Financial Benefits Do I Qualify For?


Similar to scholarships, grants are a form of aid that does not require repayment. These are often need-based gifts that apply to your student account.  Students may be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant and the Oklahoma OTAG Grant .

Civilian Employed Tuition Assistance

Tuition assistance is a benefit offered through an employer which pays for college-level courses. This is offered tax-free up to $5,250 per year. This form of aid only covers tuition for courses, fees, and course materials. Examples of what’s not covered include associated meals, travel, and room and board.

Grants & Tuition Assistance


Scholarships are provided by the university or other organizations are given as a gift in support of your education. These do not need to be repaid, but may come with stipulations such as major or GPA. To learn more about scholarships you may be eligible for, click here.


Loans can be provided through the federal government or a private institution. This form of aid must be repaid over time. Depending on the type of loan received, you may or may not need to begin payments while you are in school. The type of loan also affects whether or not interest accrues while you are a student. Most students prefer subsidized loans to unsubsidized loans and federal loans to private loans due to interest rates and repayment options.

Scholarships & Loans


Assistantships offer a benefit to graduate students in return for work in certain areas. The time commitment and amount of aid provided vary depending on the assignment and available funding. SNU has a very limited number of assistantships available, mainly working in athletics. You also have the opportunity to apply for part time employment at the SNU VETS Center through our VA student work study program and the SNU student work study program.

Southern Nazarene University

Financial Aid FAQs 

Have questions about your military education benefits? Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we hear from our service members and veteran students. 

I am about to be honorably discharged. How do I get my VA Education benefits started?

You must apply for your educational benefits through the VA in Muskogee, OK online at You can also call the VA Education Hotline for assistance at 1-888-442-4551. 

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at


I have a parent who is a veteran. How can I receive VA education benefits from their service time?
For information visit the following sites:
Chapter 35 Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program at
Chapter 33 Transfer of Eligibility for Depenents and Spouse at


How long does it take for me to start receiving money from my VA benefits?
The VETS Center certifies students' enrollments to the VA in the order we receive the students' course confirmation forms for every term. After your sheet is date stamped in our office, it takes approximately 30-45 days for us to certify it to the VA. After we certify your enrollment with the VA, it take the VA an additional 30-45 days to award your GI Bill money. 


I need to make changes to my course schedule. What do I do?

Remember, a change in your class schedule may affect your VA benefits. Frequent changes of schedule often can cause a student veteran to have an overpayment of benefits where the VA will require you to pay it back. Notify the VETS Center at SNU of all course schedule changes as you work with your admission advisors. When you are adding a new course, a new course confirmation form, approved by your college on campus, is required before the adjustment can be reported to the VA.     

I’m about to start classes, how do I apply for Military/DOD Tuition Assistance and what steps do I need to take?

It is important that the military service members or DOD civilian employees who wish to apply for DOD tuition assistance to help pay for their classes, take these steps prior to enrolling to ensure there are DOD tuition assistance funds available and to get the application process moving forward to ensure DOD tuition assistance is approved prior to the start date of any class the military service member/DOD civilian employee wishes to use DOD TA towards.  The DOD will not approve tuition assistance for any class that has already begun.      

  1. Immediately talk with your Education Services Officer at your respective military installation education office, or if a DOD civilian employee, speak with your DOD employer’s education liaison.  The installation education office/DOD employer education liaison will provide the necessary paperwork, status of funds, and information requirements respective to that military service branch for the service member to start the application process.
  2. The service member/DOD civilian employee, to include National Guard/Reserve service members, will then access his/her military service branch’s respective education portal to complete and submit his/her application for requesting DOD tuition assistance and receiving DOD approval.  
    1. US Army Service Member:  AI portal for Army service members:  AI Portal website: (Edge and Firefox are the preferred browsers).  If a user needs assistance, users may contact the BAM Helpdesk Email: or BAM Technical Issue Phone:  276-231-0938.  
    2. US Air Force Service Member:  Air Force Virtual Education Center at
    3. US Navy Service Member:  Navy College Program at
    4. US Marine Corps Service Member:  Marine Corps Voluntary Education Center at
    5. US Coast Guard Service Member:  Education and Training Quota Command Portal at
  3. When applying for DOD tuition assistance through your military service branch education portal, make sure you are providing the correct course numbers (i.e., BIOL-3274, etc.), costs, and class dates for timely processing of the paperwork (for SNU professional and graduate studies students, class dates should be listed as per course/module and not by semester).  
  4. Once the service member/DOD civilian employee receives his/her DOD TA approval letter, provide a copy of this approval letter to the following departments at SNU for required filing and for proper processing towards the student’s SNU account:
    1. SNU Bursar’s Office (if a Professional Graduate Studies student) or SNU Business Office (if a Traditional Undergraduate student) so the DOD TA funds will be applied towards the student’s account.  
    2. SNU Financial Aid Office at for filing requirements with the student’s assigned Financial Aid Counselor.
    3. SNU VETS Center at for filing requirements with the VETS Center’s School Certification Official. 
  5. All DOD tuition assistance requests must be submitted and approved 7 days prior to the start of any class the service member wishes to use DOD tuition assistance funds towards.  If the application is not received and approved 7 days prior to a class start date, the service member is at risk for not getting the TA approved by the DOD.


When do I apply for Military/DOD tuition assistance?

As soon as a military service member and/or DOD civilian employee decides he/she will want to take college level courses and use DOD tuition assistance to help pay for the course costs, the individual should immediately contact his/her military installation education office, or DOD employer if a DOD civilian employee, to begin the process for applying for DOD TA funds.  All DOD tuition assistance requests must be submitted and approved 7 days prior to the start of any class the service member wishes to use DOD tuition assistance funds towards.  If the application is not received and approved 7 days prior to a class start date, the service member is at risk for not getting the TA approved by the DOD.  The service member/DOD civilian employee will submit his/her DOD TA application through the appropriate military service branch education portal at one of the following:  

  1. US Army Service Member: AI portal for Army service members:  AI Portal website: (Edge and Firefox are the preferred browsers).  If a user needs assistance, users may contact the BAM Helpdesk Email: or BAM Technical Issue Phone:  276-231-0938.  
  2. US Air Force Service Member:  Air Force Virtual Education Center at
  3. US Navy Service Member:  Navy College Program at
  4. US Marine Corps Service Member:  Marine Corps Voluntary Education Center at
  5. US Coast Guard Service Member:  Education and Training Quota Command Portal at
When do I file the FASFA?

For undergraduate students follow these guidelines:

  • Ideally, if you are an Oklahoma resident, you should complete your FAFSA by December 1st of the year before you plan to start school (academic years beginning July 1st).  Some Oklahoma students qualify for the Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG) and the state deadline falls around December 1st.  If you read this shortly after December 1st, complete the FAFSA as soon as possible, because the state has extended deadlines in the past.
  • For students who miss the deadline, or are not from Oklahoma, completing the FAFSA about two to three months prior to your enrollment will best allow SNU to process your aid for the start of your program.  SNU generally begins processing aid about one to two months before your classes begin.  In months that have several programs starting, usually July, September, January, and March, we may start a little earlier for those whose FAFSA information is clean.
  • The financial aid office cannot begin processing your aid until all of your admission requirements have been completed.  Transcripts can be the most time consuming, and the least controllable portion of the admissions process, make sure and request them as soon as possible.
  • Filing the FAFSA is only the first step in the process.  You will need to monitor your SNU email address once you have received it for updates and document requests.
  • Once your financial aid offer has been completed, you will receive notice via your SNU email with instructions on how to log into your portal to view/accept/decline your awards.
  • If you plan to use Federal Student Loans:
    • If you have not borrowed in the last five years, you may need to complete a new Loan Agreement/Master Promissory Note.  This can be done by logging into with your FSA (FAFSA) ID, clicking on “Complete Award Process” in the top margin and clicking on Complete a Master Promissory Note. 
    • If you have never borrowed a Federal Student Loan, you will also need to complete Loan Entrance Counseling from the same page.
    • All students who have borrowed previously will need to complete an Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement (new in 2022-2023) from the same page.

For graduate students follow these guidelines:

  • Graduate students should complete the FAFSA about two to three months before your enrollment begins to best allow SNU to process your aid in time for the start of your program.  SNU generally begins processing aid about one to two months before your classes begin.  In months that have several programs starting, usually July, September, January, and March, we may start a little earlier for those whose FAFSA information is clean.
  • The financial aid office cannot begin processing your financial aid until all of your admission requirements have been completed.  Since getting transcripts can be the most time consuming, and the least controllable portion of the admissions process, make sure and request them as soon as possible. 
  • The financial aid office cannot begin processing your aid until all of your admission requirements have been completed.   Transcripts can be the most time consuming, and the least controllable portion of the admissions process, make sure and request them as soon as possible.
  • Filing the FAFSA is only the first step in the process.  You will need to monitor your SNU email address once you have received it for updates and document requests.
  • Once your financial aid offer has been completed, you will receive notice via your SNU email with instructions on how to log into your portal to view/accept/decline your awards. 
  • If you plan to use Federal Student Loans:
    • If you have not borrowed in the last five years, you may need to complete a new Loan Agreement/Master Promissory Note.  This can be done by logging into with your FSA (FAFSA) ID, clicking on “Complete Award Process” in the top margin and clicking on Complete a Master Promissory Note. 
    • If you have never borrowed a Federal Student Loan, you will also need to complete Loan Entrance Counseling from the same page.
    • All students who have borrowed previously will need to complete an Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement (new in 2022-2023) from the same page.

Our Ongoing Mission

Hundreds of military and veteran students, as well as their dependents, have graduated from SNU’s programs with support from the VETS Center. They go on to rise through the ranks, begin a fulfilling second career, or even open businesses of their own.

Click to learn more about our ongoing mission to serve our veterans well. 

Our Mission and Vision


Our Vision - To be a trusted battle buddy for our veteran and military community. 

Our Mission - To serve you well and support our veteran and military community by assisting with their growth, empowering them with information and knowledge to enable their success, and connecting them to resources and outreach opportunities that promote their well-being. 

Our Team

We're a team of coaches, advisors, and mentors.  We get it; we've walked in similar boots.  We are fellow veterans and military family members with over 54 years of combined military service with 7 combat deployments. 2021 OKVA Veteran Employer Champion badge


We Can Help

  • Assist with DOD/VA educational benefits.
  • Serve as a contact and liaison for involvement and integration with:
    • SNU student organizations and veteran organizations
    • Career transition support
    • Tutoring, resiliency, and special accommodations support
  • Help build a sense of belonging and camaraderie
  • Nurture partnerships that lead to positive outcomes for our veteran and military community
Learn More
LN Military Header 4

Whether you’re looking to move up in the ranks or start a second career, we’re here to serve you. Our Veterans Educational Transitions Success (VETS) Center can help you transition to campus life, provide career counseling, and connect you to community support.

SNU accepts ACE credit for military training and experience, and all of SNU’s adult education programs are eligible to use with VA Educational Benefits. Our full-time staff at the VETS Center are here to help make the transition into education as seamless as possible.

Our VETS Center is just one of 13 universities in the nation recognized by the Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success. 

Career Services for Military

A degree is an important step in rising through the ranks or reaching your true potential in the civilian world. To make the most of your education, we offer career services and support based on your goals.

Resume Review VETS Page

Resume Review

Our team is available to consult with you and help you tailor your resume to the career you are seeking. Learn how to highlight your unique career and life experience and position yourself as a skilled, qualified candidate in your job search.

Resume Review
Career Fair at SNU

Career Fairs

Our team is in regular contact with workforce placement groups throughout the state, including the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission. We regularly attend job fairs throughout the Oklahoma City and Tulsa areas, and are in search of great positions for graduating students.

Career Fairs


The staff and faculty at the VETS Center and all of SNU often serve as mentors to military students. With a unique range of life experiences, roles, and responsibilities represented, we can help you find the person who you will relate to most.


Student Services for Military

Are you looking for resources to help you navigate through your academic journey while at SNU?  The following veterans services are available.

Veteran and faculty meeting to discuss VA benefits

Benefits Review

Our team offers unique, personalized assistance in assessing the benefits you are eligible and offers advice on how to access them. You may also get a quick look inside what you may be able to expect using our benefits calculator tool.

SNU is compliant with PL 115-407 The Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 Section 103 and does not penalize the VA beneficiary for delayed payment by the VA. This includes policies that prevent enrolling, assess a late penalty fee, require securing alternative or additional funding, deny access to any school resources, classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities that are available to other students that have paid.

SNU-Icons-BenefitsReview (1)
Benefits Review
Tutoring VETS Page


If you need help getting back into the rhythm of school or want some extra assistance for homework assignments and studying for tests, tutoring can be a great option.

Adult students at SNU receive free tutoring at so you can access support at a time and location convenient to you. You can request access to an account  by reaching out to our Enrollment & Outreach Coordinator at the SNU VETS Center. On-campus, traditional students can meet with a tutor in-person using the writing center.



Students at our Bethany location or who live within driving distance may access counseling at Renew Counseling Center. They will meet with you for an intake session to assess your needs, and from then on you can schedule sessions as needed. With hours ranging from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., there is sure to be a time that works for your busy schedule.

Disabled veteran hugging his son

Disability Services

If you have a disability that interferes with your ability to thrive as a student, we have a disability services office that can help with accommodations. The VETS Center has designated a Veterans Services Support Representative for better service to veterans who come with service-related injuries or issues. These services are provided on a case-by-case basis so your unique needs can be met in a meaningful way.

Disability Services
Why a Recession Is a Perfect Time to Restart Your Career

Reference Library

Our library offers a wide variety of reference materials, both in-person and online. You will also have access to online research databases, housing thousands of peer-reviewed articles you can use on research and class assignments. We also have librarians on staff you can get personalized assistance from using our “Ask a Librarian” chat feature or by calling 405-491-6351. Students in Bethany or Tulsa may also visit their local VETS Center in person to borrow books geared toward professional growth that are available in the center.

Reference Library

Student Organizations for Military

Are you interested in getting involved? The following student organizations are available at SNU. 

Student Veterans of America (SVA)

With a mission focused on empowering student veterans, Student Veterans of America is committed to providing an educational experience that goes beyond the classroom. Through a dedicated network of more than 1,500 on-campus chapters in all 50 states and 4 countries representing more than 750,000 student veterans, SVA aims to inspire yesterday’s warriors by connecting student veterans with a community of like-minded chapter leaders. Every day these passionate leaders work to provide the necessary resources, network support, and advocacy to ensure student veterans can effectively connect, expand their skills, and ultimately achieve their greatest potential.If you're looking to add to your experience while at SNU we welcome you to attend our meetings and to join our ranks. For more information email

Student Veterans of America (SVA)

Salute Honor Society (SALUTE)

SALUTE is the first national academic honor society established for student veterans, and active military, in 2-year and 4-year institutions of higher education. SALUTE is an acronym of the foundation blocks and core-values of the honor society, and is the basis of our success.(Service, Academics, Leadership, Unity, Tribute, Excellence) Currently 326 Colleges as active chapters, and over 17,000 Student Veterans inducted. Are you next? For more information email 
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Salute Honor Society (SALUTE)

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

The Reserve Officer Training Corps was founded with the passage of the National Defense Act in 1916 and is now offered at more than 1,100 colleges across the country. Southern Nazarene University is blessed to have a partnership with our host school, the University of Central Oklahoma. In addition to providing an avenue for college students to work towards commission as an officer in the United States Army, the University of Central Oklahoma Broncho Battalion Army ROTC Program provides Cadets with character-building skills, a diverse, self-disciplined civilian education, and leadership development training.

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
Two Veterans Working Together

Community Resources

Connecting you to local support and other services you may need to succeed is important to us. Click the link to find a list of resources you may need during your time as a student at SNU. If you have a need that cannot be found below, be sure to search the National Resource Directory. If you still cannot find the right support, please let us know and we will work to connect you with the appropriate party.


Explore Community Resources link arrow
Veterans Graduate


Your connection to the SNU VETS Center community does not have to end when you graduate. When you join the SNU Veterans Alumni Association, you stay connected to a vibrant, growing network of educated and driven individuals. As a member, you will have opportunities to attend exclusive events, give back to future students, and support the national rankings of SNU.

Become a Member link arrow

Recognition for SNU's VETS Center

SNU's VETS Center is nationally recognized by leading local and government institutions for our dedication and commitment to helping veterans succeed. It's our honor to serve the brave men and women who have risked their lives for our country. 

Government-Sponsored Programs

Yellow Ribbon

The Yellow Ribbon program helps military members cover the additional cost of tuition incurred when attending an out-of-state university, private school, or graduate program that is not covered by the Post-9/11 GI Bill ®. SNU is proud to participate in this program and offer this benefit to our military students. 

You can learn more about the Yellow Ribbon Program here.

Principles of Excellence Program

The Principles of Excellence Program requires participating universities to follow certain guidelines in order to receive funding from programs such as the GI Bill® . Some of these guidelines include providing military students with an educational timeline to fulfill graduation requirements, offering accredited programs, allowing for long and short term leave due to service obligations and more. 

You can learn more about the Principles of Excellence Program here

Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

SNU's participation in this program ensures our military students and DOD civilians are provided with adequate educational opportunities to support professional development and career growth. It also requires that our university remain accredited.  

You can learn more about the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) here.  The DOD MOU site also provides service members and DOD civilians with its TA DECIDE tool.  TA DECIDE helps service members and DOD civilians make an informative decision on education costs and compare educational institutions of higher learning.  The TA DECIDE tool can be accessed at


Accolades & Awards

2021 OKVA Veteran Employer Champion badgeOklahoma Veteran Employer Champion 21-22

SNU earned the Veterans Employer Champion from the Tulsa Community Service Council.  This is an annual award that the City of Tulsa awards to organizations across the state of Oklahoma that support the veteran community.  To become recognized as a Veteran Employer Champion, organizations must meet six benchmarks that include:  veteran hiring and recruiting; veteran resource groups, onboarding, and/or buddy programs; veteran programs and community support; veteran employee resources and/or support; veteran executive sponsors leading veteran strategies; and National Guard and Reserves employee support. Learn more about this important recognition. 

Certificate of Appreciation for Recruiting Services

Air Force

Certificate of Appreciation for Recruiting Services

OKC Recruiting Battalion

Supporter Recognition of Appreciation


Pinnacle Award


Certificate of Appreciation

Interim Healthcare

Grant for Veterans and Families Program

Boeing Foundation

Military Friendly®

Military Friendly®

Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success Grant

Department of Education

Request More Information

Have questions about SNU or need help determining which program is the right fit? Fill out the form and an enrollment counselor will follow-up to answer your questions!

Text With an Enrollment Counselor

Have questions, but want a faster response?  Fill out the form and one of our enrollment counselors will follow-up via text shortly!